What Are Those Brown Spots In My Lawn Grass?

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What Are Those Brown Spots In My Lawn Grass?


Hey, have you been wondering What are those brown spots In my lawn grass?

If you’re like many homeowners, you take great pride in keeping your lawn looking perfect. However, if you’ve been noticing brown spots appearing in your grass, you may be wondering what’s causing them and how to fix it.

If you’re unsure what’s causing your brown spots, it’s best to consult with a professional who can diagnose the problem and recommend a solution.

There are multiple things that could be causing your issues.

Key factors like the type of grass you have, the climate and season of the year, all affect turf grass.  High stress factors like high foot traffic and pets, cause issues that progressively get worse over time.


Identify The Cause of The brown Spots

These are some of the most common causes of brown area in your lawn.

One possibility is that the spots are caused by a fungal infection, such as brown patch or dollar spot, or Fusarium patch, which is a type of fungus that causes the grass to die off in patches. Pathogens in the soil or on the grass blades. One of the most common in our region is Brown Patch. Brown patch is a Fungus which grows and spreads throughout your lawn and causes brown circles of dead grass. brown patch can be spread multiple ways and usually gets worse during rainy and wet periods.

Another possibility is that the spots are caused by grubs, which are beetle larvae that feed on the roots of plants. If you think that grubs might be the cause of your brown spots, you can test for their presence by digging up a square foot of soil and checking for evidence of grub damage. If you do have grubs, there are treatments available to get rid of them.

grubs in the ground feeding on grass roots

Drought stress can be yet another possible cause of brown spots in lawn grass. If you live in an area where there is a lot of summer heat and little rainfall, your lawn may start to show signs of drought stress, including discolored or brown patches.

Brown spots can be caused by herbicide damage from using too much weed killer or from improper application on the lawn.

Brown spots can also be a sign of waterlogging or drought stress.

Another common cause of brown spots in your yard is pet urine and fecal waste. When dog waste is allowed to sit on grass, the ammonia and urea from the waste builds up in a concentrated area and burns the grass.

One more cause of brown areas in your lawn grass, is physical stress. Physical stress can be caused by high amounts of foot traffic (children playing frequently, dogs, and improper maintenance.

Most of these problems can be corrected and your lawn repaired and restored. Start by examining your property and analyzing the possible causes. A little observation and reading will likely lead you to the answer.

How To Fix Brown Spots In My Lawn Grass

When you notice brown spots in your lawn grass, the first thing you should do is identify the cause. The most common causes of brown spots in lawn grass are: lack of water, dog urine, over-fertilization, and weed killers.
If you determine that one of these is the cause of your brown spots, then take appropriate action to address the problem. For example, if you think that the brown spots are caused by a lack of water, then water your lawn more frequently; if you think that the brown spots are caused by weed killers, then stop using them.
However, if you can’t identify the cause of the brown spots, or if you’re not sure what to do about them, then it’s best to consult with a professional. They will be able to help you identify the cause and recommend a solution.


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