How To Make St Augustine Grass Thicker and Spread Quicker

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How to make St. Augustine grass thicker

When you think of traditional lawn, you envision St. Augustine grass.

St Augustine is the most popular and probably the most common turfgrass found across the southern United States.

It is known for its deep green color and a dense, carpet-like growth habit.

St. Augustine grass is a very robust warm season turfgrass and grows vigorously during the warmer months of spring and summer.

You can easily have a good looking, aesthetically pleasing yard with very little work.

But, even with the good features of St. Aug, there are certain issues that arise ocassionally that cause it to not look its best.

Whether your St. Augustine looks sparse, or you just want it to grow thicker, you can do a few things to increase your chances of success


Here are a few tips on how to make st Augustine grass thicker.



The very first thing you can do to make your St Augustine grass thicker is, ensure it has the proper amount of water and hydration.

You can encourage faster growth by increasing the amount of water you give it.

In most cases this will make most turf grasses grow faster.

Even though we suggest watering more, you can over water and cause the roots to drown, suffocate, and die off.

Over watering can also facilitate fungus growth in your lawn.


best time to water lawn in hot weather

How to water to make St. Augustine grass grow faster and thicker

Water your lawn deeply but not too frequently, letting the soil dry out somewhat between watering.

Deep watering encourages deeper roots, making for a thicker lawn.

Set your sprinklers and irrigation system to start early in the morning, if possible.

Allow them to run until the ground is saturated, which is usually around 15 – 30 minutes for most sprinklers and irrigation systems.

This will give the water a chance to soak in before it evaporates.


Sunlight can easily be considered the number one ingredient for thick lush grass and a healthy lawn.

Many turf grasses can go days, weeks, or even months without water, but not many can survive without sunlight.

Most turfgrasses need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily to thrive and look their best.

The more sunlight you can give your grass, the faster and more robust it will grow.

St. Augustine grass is growing beneath trees may be sparse and thin.

Remove some branches from overhead trees to allow more light to reach your lawn grass.


how to make st augustine grass thicker and grow quicker

Good Soil Nutrition

Lawns grown on fertile soil usually get all the nutrients from the environment.

Nature has a way of feeding the plants and trees naturally.

Organic matter is added yearly with the seasonal cycles.

Grass clippings and leaves fall, they are broken down, decompose, and are converted to nutrients the plants use.

However, some may not have trees, or they may bag all of their grass clippings; which may result in the need for additional lawn food or lawn fertilizer.



Have you ever noticed how much better St. Augustine grass does when it’s fertilized regularly?

That’s because the nutrients in the fertilizer make your grass stronger and healthier.

St. Augustine grass likes to be fertilized regularly.

Most turf specialists recommend you fertilize during the spring and early summer growing months.

During these times, Saint Augustine grows most vigorously.


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How To Fertilize St Augustine Grass

St Augustine grass is an easy to maintain turfgrass.

It generally looks pretty good naturally, without the need for any special care or treatments.

However, this grass really comes to life and shows vibrantly when you give it a little fertilizer.

Feeding your St Augustine is pretty easy.

All you need to do is sue a good nitrogen fertilizer to get it to spread quickly.

Most over the counter lawn fertilizer or weed and feed will work.

You can also feed with a slow-release fertilizer or a liquid fertilizer every four to eight weeks during the growing season.

Fertilize regularly with a high-quality fertilizer; and a thicker, healthier lawn will result.


Organic Lawn Fertilizer For St Augustine Grass

The best type of fertilizer for St. Augustine grass is an organic slow-release fertilizer.

Organic fertilizers contain nutrients that are taken up by the plant more slowly, resulting in less chance of burning your grass and more gradual growth.

We like to use milorganite and ironite to encourage fast growth and deeper green color.



Mowing is also a key component of a thick lush lawn.

By mowing at the right frequency and height, you can greatly increase the chances of having a meticulously maintained yard.


How often should you mow St. Augustine grass?

How often you mow your St. Augustine grass depends on the growth rate, which is influenced by temperature, rainfall, and fertilizer application.

In general, you should mow St. Augustine grass once a week to every other week during the growing season when the grass is actively growing.

If you’re trying to get your grass to grow faster, thicker, and spread faster, you will have to cut your lawn more often..

Frequent cutting encourages turfgrass to spread more horizontally, rather than vertically.


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St Augustine grass cutting height 

When it comes to St. Augustine grass, there is some debate on the ideal cutting height.

Some experts recommend cutting at 2.5 to 3 inches, while others say 3 to 4 inches is best.

Ultimately, it depends on your personal preference and the amount of foot traffic your lawn gets.

If you have a lot of foot traffic, you may want to cut the grass shorter.

You can afford to let the grass grow a little taller for yards with less foot traffic.

The best time to mow your grass is when the humidity is low, and the temperature is above 75 degrees.

Avoid mowing right after rain if you can; and wait a few hours after it has rained, for the blades to dry out..



The best method of weed control is to be proactive and use a good pre-emergent herbicide to prevent weed growth.

Use a Weed And Feed product that is safe for Saint Augustine lawns.

These products allow you to attack the seeds before the weeds have a chance to take hold.

When you have already established weeds in your lawn, use a selective pre emergent herbicide like atrazine to help prevent the germination of weed seeds.

grow thick.


how to make st. augustine grass thicker and spread quicker


Aeration is the process of punching small holes in the soil to allow air, water, and nutrients to reach the roots of your grass.

Aerating a lawn provides multiple benefits.

Two of the main benefits are improved soil structure and drainage.

The holes left in the ground by the machine opens space for the roots to expand and grow in those openings.

Those same holes also allow air and water to penetrate deeper into the root zone.

The results are stronger root systems, which means stronger turf with improved stress tolerance.

This simple step will make a big difference in the health of your lawn.

Aerate your lawn yearly to improve soil structure, drainage and promote a thicker, healthier lawn.



Use a de-thatcher or thatch rake to remove dead grass and other debris from the surface of your lawn.

By following these simple tips, you can have a thick, healthy lawn that will be the envy of your neighborhood..


lawn aeration with aerator dethatcher

How long does it take for St. Augustine grass to spread?

St. Augustine grass is a fast-growing grass that can spread rapidly, especially in areas with warm, humid climates.

It can easily grow 1 to 2 inches per week during the warmer months; and a few inches within weeks.

St. Augustine grass spreads by sending out above-ground runners, or stolons, which can reach up to several feet in length if left uncut..

The stolons take root at the nodes and joints, where they contact soil and form new plants.

This lateral spreading process can be quick, especially in areas with warm, humid climates.

However, it can take several weeks or months for the grass to spread and fill in an area..


How Do You Encourage St. Augustine to Spread?

Saint Augustine doesn’t need much help to grow; and does quite well on its own.

To encourage St. Augustine to spread, you can provide fertilizer and water regularly.

Water it regularly and deeply, especially during hot, dry periods.

Fertilize it with a balanced fertilizer three times a year.


best grass for shade. shade tolerant grasses st. augustine grass and zoysia


Product Suggestions:

Is Scotts Turf Builder good for St. Augustine grass?

Yes, Scotts turf builder is good for most lawns and safe for most home users to apply.

Augustine grass is a dense grass with lush growth. Use these tips to get thicker turf to cover your entire lawn.


Conclusion: Proper Lawn care is How You Make St Augustine Grass Thicker and Grow Quicker

Saint Augustine is a robust turfgrass that doesn’t need much help to grow.

It is one of the most popular and widely used grasses today.

Most people find that it does quite well on its own.

However, there are many options if you want to know how to thicken st augustine grass.

The easiest and cheapest way is to simply give it more water.

Increasing the water will encourage more growth, in most cases.

The next option you have on how to make st augustine grass thicker is, lawn fertilizer.

Fertilizer super charges your lawn with the extra nutrients to grow more.


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